miercuri, 25 martie 2009


Comenius includes: communication, collaboration, exchange of experiences.

This project is very important because it gives us the chance to make friends.


Mon livre préféré est le roman Ion.Cette livre est très intéressant car il présente le thème de l'amour qui exige une sacrificies.Ion aime Florica, mais que la soif de terres marié à Ana.Le fin du roman est triste, parce que le suicide est Ana, John et George est tué par (son mari floweret). Le livre est très intéressant et offre une leçon de vie.D'autres livres ont:Moara cu noroc,Mara,Povestea fara sfarsit,etc.

comunicarea in spatiul web

My favorite book is the novel Ion.This book is very interesting because it presents the theme of love that requires a sacrificies.Ion loves Florica, but that the thirst for land married to Ana.Finalul novel is sad because suicide is Ana, and John is killed by George (husband floweret). The book is very interesting to give a lesson in life.
Other books of interest are: Mara, Moara lucky, Endless Story,etc.

comunicarea in spatiul web

comunicares in spatiul web

miercuri, 18 martie 2009


Cartea mea preferata este romanul Ion.Aceasta carte este foarte interesanta,deoarece este prezentata tema iubirii cvare cere sacrificii.Ion o iubeste pe Florica,dar din sete a care o are pentru pamant se casatoreste cu Ana,o tanara cu mult pamant.Finalul romanului este trist deoarece Ana se sinucide,iar Ion este omorat de catrew George(sotul Floricai).Cartea este foarte interesanta siofera o lectie de viata.


Liceenii is a Romanian film from 1986, directed by Nicholas Corjos. It is a love story of two "rookie" (high school in the first year of study) who fall in love. Clark (Ştefan Bănică Jr.) is a provincial reached a high school in Bucharest, where the passion for philosophy and mathematics will be pale with love, and Dana (Oana Sarbu) is a împătimită a chess championships. Their idyll will be full of disengagement, but will go through many trials.


Il s'agit d'une histoire d'amour de deux "rookie" (lycée, dans la première année d'études) qu'est aimer, Michael( Stefan Banica Jr.) est un organisme provincial de l'école a atteint un sommet à Bucarest, vous, où la passion pour la philosophie et les mathématiques sera pâle l'amour, et de Dana (Oana Sarbu) est-il intéressés envoyer des championnats de
Leur idylle est plein naturels, mais passera par de nombreuxes tests.

miercuri, 11 martie 2009